Welcome, oh weary travelers
"...Our only crime was curiosity."
“The Matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games,' said the voice-over, 'in early graphics programs and military experimentation with cranial jacks.' On the Sony, a two-dimensional space war faded behind a forest of mathematically generated ferns, demonstrating the spatial possibilities of logarithmic spirals; cold blue military footage burned through, lab animals wired into test systems, helmets feeding into fire control circuits of tanks and war planes. 'Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...”
― William Gibson, Neuromancer
n e t c u l t u r e
Welcome to my page. Blog? Whatever it is.
What do i wish to accomplish?
- To study Net Culture; where it's come from and where it's going
- To put the internet back into the hands of the Netizen by getting them interested in coding their own pages instead of selling their souls to corporate entites like Facebook, TikTok, etc.
- To show the fun and freedom of original content. To get the brain juices of the masses flowing to say "Hey, I could make that!"
- To put whatever the hell I want on here. It's my page after all. My little studio apartment in my own little forgotten corner of the Net
- I will post my builds, repairs and everything relating to that. Eventually I'll have a question submission form so I can help you fine people fix your rats nests too lol.
What do I do?
I build and restore vintage and modern-vintage computer hardware. Mainly ones that don't have any of the phone home telemetry bullshit that Intel tried slipping by us with he Pentium III (of which they removed from the P3, then quietly crammed it all back in during the Core2 era). AMD did the same shit starting with the Ryzen series of CPUs in the mid 2010s. I will showcase what I'm working on at least once per week.
Plenty. Do you know why you even "need" to buy a new computer, or phone, or tablet or whatever? How pissed would you be if I said you're paying $500-$3,000 for an updated web browser? It's the truth. There's so much bloat-code on the Triple-Dubs (WWW) these days (Operating systems too, but that's an entirely different discussion) and so many APIs that they constantly need more and more resources to support the browser that can run the Web2.5-Web3.0 sites. Go to any Japanese website that isn't from some world conglomorate corpo and you'll notice most of their internet is still Web1.0. No APIs, hell, tech orgs just dumping CSV files to and fro. Bespoke website designs, etc. I could go on, you get the idea.
I wish to continue my trek of exploring the internet slums of Web1.0 which is still very active to this day. Want to see something that's not just a snapshot of some digital graveyard on Archive.org? (Not shitting on them by any means. Archive is probably the single best internet resource today.) Start exploring some real shit on wiby.me
July 10th, 2024 1:01AM
Managed to scavenge a bunch of great kit from the local haunts. Mainly Windows Vista-era hardware, but surprisingly found a couple boxed gamepads (Including the MS Sidewinder, complete with Microsoft Motocross game still sealed in it's jewel case.) which date to the Late 90s.
Nabbed some Sony DVDRs too, which are getting harder to come by.
Went scavenging again yesterday and boy howdy did I lukc out! Found a Dell Latitude e6420 for $15 and a Ryzen 7 3600x complete with cooler and box for $24. Never know what you can find. Haven't slept yet. Been fighting with USB drives to no avail. Supposed it's time for a few new ones. Or maybe I should stop buying the cheapest shitty flash drives for OS installs. I digress... The hunt for a decent workspace continues. Have a few leads, but won't know for sure until all is said and done. The rates are surprisingly not too bad for what you get, especially for up here in the PNW.
But for now, sleep. Finally feeling tired after an entire night of fucking with parts and flash drives and what have you.